Thursday, January 28, 2016


Days 18-21of the Sisters project

Winter Dance Preview

As I mentioned in the previous post, Kellcyn's birthday weekend was a busy one. We had her party Friday night, all the grandkids stayed at grandma and grandpa's that night, Evansville trip Saturday morning/afternoon, the Ava's birthday party Saturday night. 
By the time the dance winter preview rolled around, Kellcyn was a bundle of fun (of course, that's sarcastic!). She was just over it all and decided that she was not dancing!  Oh well, we pick our battles with her and just move on. You can tell by the group picture below that she was crying. 

Mini small group showed us that they were competition ready!
Tiny class danced to Stupid Cupid
Mini class danced to You Can't Stop the Beat. What a big class of mini dancers!
We adore Miss Stacy!!

Kellcyn's birthday weekend

Waiting for Kellcyn's birthday party. They sure love to draw and color!
Miss Belle had her purple teddy bear picnic birthday party on Friday evening on Jan 15. Busy weekend. 

The Kessen's got Kellcyn a build a bear gift card for her birthday, so the girls built puppies on Saturday afternoon. Kellcyn named hers Kyla and Em named hers Ashlyn. 
Sunday was the winter dance preview. Pictures to follow. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Finally Four!!

How did this baby girl grow up so fast?!?
She's pretty big stuff now that she's four!
This was her first picture as a four year old!
Kellcyn got to open a few of her gifts before school on Wednesday. 

Kellcyn picked this raccoon backpack out the other day. She calls it "Canoona" and loves to fill it up!
The ninja turtle buggy is a big hit!
Day 13: playing Barbies
Selfie time!!
Belle is just a tiny thing. She runs on pure sugar, but she goes nonstop!
Thursday is karate day. This class was much better than the first. She's really doing a good job. 
I got Kellcyn's other gift put together while the girls were at school. 
Day 14: playing train set. 
Kellc helped me make Rice Krispie treats for her party tonight. We may have gotten a little bit of cereal on the floor!
Kellcyn's birthday party is tonight, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

8-12, finally snow, and Kellcyn's last day being 3

Day 8: Jan 8-They're glad it's Friday and Momma is too!
This was Friday night. Kellcyn is getting so big. She can reach all the light switches and bathroom sinks. She turns them on and frequently forgets to turn them off...
Day 9
Lazy weekend playing board games and card games. We needed a weekend with nothing planned. 

Day 10: Jan 10
First real snow of the winter. The girls were so excited. We made a noble attempt to get to church, but it just didn't work out.
The girls played outside for about 20 minutes and gladly came back inside. 

Day 11: Monday night after dance class. It's still cold outside!!
Today is Kellcyn's last day being 3!  Yikes!  Where did our baby go?!?
Kellcyn was the only January birthday in the tiny class. 
Look at that cupcake!!  Kellcyn got as far as the arms and hat tonight and that's all she could handle!
Day 12

Thursday, January 7, 2016

First karate class

Kellcyn decided she wanted to do karate...
Today was her first class and she was definitely nervous, but the teachers were very good and helped her out a lot. 
Kicks were her favorite part. 

There's no doubt, she's adorable in her uniform. 

Day 4-7

Day 4: January 4, 2016: the girls being silly. They got their new warm-ups at dance tonight and Kellcyn's is gigantic on her. Her pants fell down and she just cracked up, then had to repeat it 57 times. 
Stacy wanted to see Kellcyn's solo on Tuesday night also and she was quite the diva headed to the studio. 
Day 5: this was a last minute picture before bed (probably not the last time I almost forget), but it's adorable. 
Emiley brought home another straight A report card on Wednesday!  So proud of her!!
Day 6: they're my therapy you testers. 
Day 7:  Good morning!  Their new favorite show is Shimmet and Shine.